Saturday, February 4, 2012


short and sweet tonight - since it's been a really really long day - in hours, not in anything bad....but it was another little lesson kind of day.....the family is at seven springs (so you have some ski pictures in your future)....its a funny trip because i absolutely detest skiing - first of all, i dont do it (bad knees and all), and second in order for you to ski, it has to be COLD - another thing not high on my list.....if i'm going to actually spend money to do something, i'd prefer sun and sand are involved!!  HOWEVER, i am not an island, and my kids really do like to ski (or they think they do, since we've only ever done this once before) - and my girlfriend (kathy of the survivor inspiration) plans this trip every year, so i decided to suck it up and take one for the team!!  HA....actually i'm looking forward to some reading and relaxing while the boys ski, so it will be great, i'm sure.

the rallying part comes in because luke and i stayed behind because he had a basketball game at 4.....SO, in being a good team player, he stayed for the game, missed a day of skiing.....and then the coach didn't play all!  so we leave and he's upset AND feeling bad about himself....and I am PISSED and NOT a good way to start a trip....

and then 2 things happened - my pop came up and gave luke a giant hug.....which always ALWAYS throws things into perspective for me.....and i looked at luke and basically said that it sucked, but that it would make him a better team leader for his lax team - since he understands what its like to be a ROLE PLAYER.....not everyone can be the superstar - or a starter.....not every game or every event is about you, or benefits you - BUT that's what being a good team player is all about.....todays game was not about him - just like this trip isnt about me - its just what you do when you are part of a team.....sometimes is amazing and sometimes you just make the best of it :)

a lesson i hope we both got reinforced today!!!

"Love the game. Love the game for the pure joy of accomplishment. Love the game for everything it can teach you about yourself. Love the game for the feeling of belonging to a group endeavoring to do its best. Love the game for being involved in a team whose members can't wait to see you do your best. Love the game for the challenge of working harder than you ever have at something and then harder than that. Love the game because it takes all team members to give it life. Love the game because at its best, the game tradition will include your contributions. Love the game because you belong to a long line of fine athletes who have loved it. It is now your legacy. Love the game so much that you will pass on your love of the game to another athlete who has seen your dedication, your work, your challenges, your triumphs... and then that athlete will, because of you, love the game."

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