Monday, February 20, 2012

lazy days

Calvin and Hobbes

today was just one of those days.....i guess with a long weekend, sunday feels like saturday - or maybe i was just overdue for a slackass day....but that is what today was.....i think for the first time in quite awhile - what i accomplished today was NOTHING....nadda....ZIP :)  i lounged on my couch and watched movies and read pretty much all laundry or work - no lax fundraising - absolutely nothing productive.....and while i feel fairly guilty about it, i also loved it!!

i feel like somehow we are programmed to NOT take any time off - due to technology and progress - basically just the normal demands of life - we are "on" 24/7 - all day every day.....and sometimes you just need to step off the roller coaster for a second.  all of the stuff i should have been working on today, will still be here tomorrow - and it will still stress me really, taking a breather today didn't make a huge difference in the grand least that's what i'm telling myself....
and i got to spend a minute cuddling with my boy who still is little enough to indulge his mom....that's got to be worth the extra stress i'm sure i created tomorrow by not doing anything today!!

i wonder when sundays stopped being a day of rest?  i mean i know at some point we didn't run around like lunatics all the time, right?  but in this day and age of year round travel sports, sunday has become just one more day in the cycle......and usually i'm totally fine with that.....but as i sat here this morning, thinking of all the 9 million things on my list to do, i just couldnt do it.....when cooper knocked over the giant piles of laundry on the couch that i have yet to put away, rather than get irritated, i just tuned it that so bad?

a big part of this writing process has been about looking at the value of each day.....sometimes the days are great, and sometimes they are sad....some are stressful and some are fun....and some, like today, just ARE.....its in taking each day for what its worth - just trying to accept it and LIVE it however it rolls along.....its a tough one for me.....but i'm working on it....and maybe taking a day like today every now and then will either motivate me more tomorrow to get stuff done - or just end up showing me that taking a lazy day is not the end of the world....

no matter what tomorrow brings, i had a lovely, totally stress free day....for the first time in a long time - and i got to watch How to train your dragon again.....which is always a bonus :)  i'm sure there is a happy medium somewhere between running around like a chicken and doing absolutely nothing....and at some point, hopefully i will find it!!

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