Friday, February 3, 2012

managing work

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.Ralph Waldo Emerson


Managing Work (includes Time Management)

Effectively managing one’s time and resources to ensure that work is completed efficiently.
Key Actions:  Prioritizes,   Makes preparations, Schedules, Leverages resources, Stays focused

i had my annual review today at work - which is always of the most interesting things about me is that i have had like a zillion jobs in my life......they have always just been the thing i've done to make money so that i could help with the bills - my real job is the kids......well, until THIS job - the job i have now is a JOB, with the capital J. its still pretty flexible, but it has a lot of moving parts....and while i consider myself a master juggler, i am having an interestingly hard time keeping all the balls in the air in a  fluid manner.  and i'm not exactly sure why.....but its ironic that "managing work" was one of the areas i need to work on.....and i couldnt even be offended - because its absolutely true :)  even tho it didnt used to be.....i used to be ON it.....whatever happened to that girl?
i think we all have a list in our head of how we would define ourselves.....i am a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a athlete, an organizer, a fixer....and ultimately a do-er.....need someone to start a travel league - i'm your girl, need someone to organize your fundraiser - i'm your girl, need a room parent or a chaperone - i'm your girl.....all the while working a couple of jobs and doing all the normal household stuff......but just lately, i'm just NOT that girl.....i'm still doing all of those things - i'm just not doing them as well.....
do you ever have so much to do that you don't do ANYTHING?  and none of it for me is life or death - its just stuff - but i dont know where to start - or see any clear pattern to getting it done - so i dont!!!  and that is just so unlike one way its pretty cool - i dont stress AT ALL like i used to, either.....but i wonder what's like getting a C in a class you've always gotten an A it just lack of effort, or did you miss a step somewhere?  i have no idea. 
have i managed to do that?  i think so.....but i'm not so sure my boss would agree!  we live in a world of constant access....we want answers IMMEDIATELY -we want our problems solved within the half hour.....if you dont reply to an email or a text within MINUTES, the worst is now more than ever, how we prioritize our time is vital.  remember when we were little and went on vacation?  no one called our parents - we were ON VACATION....we had built in decompress time....i know it was a completely different technological time - and i love my internet access as much as the next person - but we are NEVER allowed to be "off"..... and because we essentially have EVERY WAKING MINUTE to be productive, somehow that's what is expected.....and i know i fell into that many MORE things can i squeeze into my day?  how much more guilt can i pile on for not getting everything on my list done?  its a never ending cycle of work - and while some or most of it can be enjoyable, the sad reality is that its overwhelming - i dont care who you are.
and while my JOB may not think i am doing so great at managing WORK, i feel like i'm doing a pretty fabu job of managing LIFE....which is definitely more important to me.  its obvious that we take time to do the things that are important - you'll notice i'm still hanging in on the blogs :) - but usually when you make room for one more thing, you cut out time you've been devoting to something else.....for me, this reading/writing experiment is so gratifying - i love it - so i'm making time for it pretty much no matter what......just like i used to make that time for working out.....while i still know exercise is important, it has slipped down on my list of least for now......and while that sometimes stresses me out, for the most part i have to be okay with it.....because i have finally realized that i CANT do it all - or at least do it all WELL.....but eventually i'll get back around to it!  i have to do the things TODAY that matter the most....yes, i need to make work a  priority - its important and i need it....but in the grand scheme of things, its a job......i only have THIS time, today, to make the most of my life.....i need to be satisfied that i am MANAGING THAT first.....
so when i wake up tomorrow (and still have to pack for my trip - clearly that didnt even make it ONTO the list) and think about how best to manage my day, work is still going to be where it was today....right near the middle :) 
sue me.

1 comment:

  1. love the post...radiates with me. I say this mantra to myself every Monday morning and then breath out "shew" every Friday evening. xoxo
