Tuesday, February 7, 2012

back to reality

that's pretty funny right?  but its true to a certain extent....the squeaky wheel gets the oil and all that.....and even though its not fair or right, its natural enough....in work and in life, the people that create the most NOISE get the most attention....and most often its negative.  generally you are not standing up yelling about how AWESOME something is.....and i think we feel like if someone isn't complaining, then they must be fine.  and there are so many demands on our attention, that often we forget to make time to do the "regular" check in.....

i know especially at work, i spend 90% of my time dealing with 2 clients who are just constantly picking at things....they are soooo demanding, that often i'm not worrying about if everyone else is happy.....altho i will say it DOES make me love my customers who don't complain every second....and they may ultimately get better stuff passed along when i get it, they still dont get the same attention - because they don't seem to need it.

unfortunately this is also true in "real life"..... its the outspoken minority that make things happen - again, because we are made to feel like their issues are more important that ours, simply because they are louder about them. when did being a jackass become the norm for getting your way?  and i'm as guilty as the next person....case in point, kris is having a stomach issue that needs to be addressed - when he called the doctor, the first appointment wasnt for a MONTH......now, he is in pain and that is not acceptable....but since he was nice, they didn't seem to have any appointments sooner......the minute he called back, and was a bit less pleasant, suddenly they had an appointment THAT DAY!! why wouldn't they have given that appointment to the NICE guy that called?  he said exactly the same thing.....i just don't get it.  its like as a society we are trained to reward BAD behavior....and if not reward it exactly, address it at the very least.

anyone happen to catch this today?  montgomery county students were sent home WITH THEIR REPORT CARDS, a flier from Parents & Friends of EX GAYS & GAYS......basically saying that they oppose discrimination of ex-gays, and provide information on SELF DETERMINATION....oh, and they dont discriminate based on sexual orientation!  i mean, really?  not that i am against self determination, but isn't this a little MUCH....to go home with report cards?  and for my point its not even what it stands for....its that some SMALL group of someone's got together and decided to lobby the montgomery county school board....whose response is : "Montgomery County Public Schools spokesman Brian Edwards said that it is the school district's policy to distribute flyers from any non-profit or religious institution, regardless of the flyer's content."  REALLY???  so if i decide to distribute a flier from my faith based baptist church saying that the world was going to end in december, that's ok too?  or i can splash a fetus on my catholic pro-life flier and hand it out also?  what else is non-profit? hmmm, let's see - the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (yes, that's real), can send home a flier saying that twinkies are good for you, and exercise does NOT help to make you happier or healthier....i mean why not??  REGARDLESS OF CONTENT???  is that really someone's POLICY??? 

i just wonder sometimes if we dont all live in this make believe world where the only thing that matters is the thing we are looking at RIGHT NOW!!  i'm going to address the asshole customer, or the cranky child, or the irate parent, or the persistent mob because i can't do anything else until i deal with THIS.....and then of course life becomes one series of immediate issues to be addressed.....no big pictures allowed!  i'm sure im oversimplifying, but did anyone actually take the time to think thru what sending that flier home might mean?  aside from the obvious religious overtone (and am i wrong, but the whole separation of church and state thing is still happening, right?), is school the correct forum for that kind of literature?  and if so, why aren't there fliers sent home weekly about birth control, or abortion, or drug rehabilation???

where are the lines, people??  when did school become the parent??  our society is CRAZY....you can say the word ass or damn....or occasionally even fuck on the radio, but you can't say WEED or METH.....so you can listen to a screamo or rap song filled with cus words (because, again why not?), but you can't listen to third eye blind sing the words crystal meth....not that i necessarily want my kids to hear either.....but who gets to decide?  i'm just baffled by all of this....and of course with the advent of the internet, everyone knows what the bleeped out words are.....helllooo!!  just like a concerned parent can find literature on being EX-GAY if that is something they feel compelled to share with their child.

"just the facts, ma'am" - joe friday  that's what we need......either that, or we need to seriously share EVERYTHING.....the squeaky wheels need to stop getting their way.....if you want to distribute non-profit or religious information in school, then distribute ALL of it....don't choose sides, or causes.....if you want to make a policy, make one that says WE WILL ONLY DISTRIBUTE FLIERS IF ALL SIDES OF THIS ISSUE ARE REPRESENTED, SO THAT OUR FAMILIES AND STUDENTS WILL BE BETTER ABLE TO MAKE AN EDUCATED DECISION ON THE MATTER.....gimme that school board policy, and then sign me up!

i have to sign a consent form for my child to hear about reproduction in health, but the school can CALL MY HOUSE and leave me a voicemail DETAILING games where kids are making themselves  pass out......um thanks for the info?? my 11 year old was happy to listen and then google it to see what it was!!  how about you SEND THAT HOME IN A LETTER??  where is our common sense?   i don't know.....maybe i'm making too much of it....but it just seems to me that we are all so easily swayed by the latest & loudest voice.....just because you are loud, or bold, or insistent doesn't mean you are right (believe me, i know :)

i am not opposed to the flow of information in any way....i'm just seriously opposed to one-sided information ... i have no idea if its even possible at this point for ANYONE to be impartial.....again in large part due to the constant access we have to information....so why not teach our kids to think for themselves - to weigh both sides of any particular issue - to react positively to the arguments that are presented tactfully and NICELY.....stop the squeaky wheel once and for all!!!

The idea is to try to give all the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another. Richard P. Feynman

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