Friday, February 24, 2012

mixing up my morning and night

i wonder if its biological or just habit???  i have always done better at night - i think better, and i'm way more motivated....i have trained myself on occasion to get up early (like the million years i had to do bus or school drop at 6:30) - but i still can't function  - or at least well.  and forget working out - if i teach the 5:15am spin class, i feel like throwing up for the rest of the day....literally.

why am i writing about it?  no idea, except its another one of those things i wonder about....with technology being the way that it is, i figure people can probably work whatever hours suit them.....if i'm more productive from 4pm to midnight, wouldn't it be nice if those were my hours??  i get myself up every morning and DRAG myself thru the morning- i start to feel human around 11:30 and hit my stride at 3:30.....which is good i guess, since all hell breaks loose in my house between 4:30 and 5:30 everyday - its probably better that i'm winding UP at that time rather than winding down. 

the interesting part is that my husband is exactly the opposite.....and i really do wonder if its not because for the first 8 years of our marriage, i worked nights, so he always got up early....he did the 3am and 6am stuff - i've always gotten the kids off to school or whatever, but he did the way, ridiculously early stuff.  thank god.  and to this day gets up at the unimaginable hour of 4:45 - so he can EXERCISE before which i say oh HELL no.....i love that he can do it, but not me - no way....i'd rather work out now - just like i like to do my blog now- at 10:15....i am just NOT a morning person.  im just not sure it makes me any LESS productive - i think it just makes me backwards :)

and its funny - there a thousand quotes and idioms out there about why MORNING people are so much more successful....the early bird catches the worm, blah blah blah.....getting UP earlier doesnt make me want to DO anything earlier - it just means i'm awake....and fairly to moderately unhappy about it :)  and lets not even talk about the number of alarms i set or how many times i can hit kids think its hilarious that i pick the most obnoxious song i can find (currently the jonas brothers PLAY MY MUSIC) just so that it will annoy me enough to actually get up and turn off...that's so sad, but absolutely true.

There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you are supposed to be doing something what's so great about 6am anyway?  does anyone REALLY like being up that early?  nothing is open and traffic is already bad (at least here) why not start at 10?  EVERYTHING is open and traffic is gone - i'm just seems just as reasonable to start LATER.  altho i guess if i'm being honest, in the morning there seems to be an ORDER to the day...what goes first is a lot more obvious than at 10 at night....when i sit down to really get my stuff done, i'm looking at 50 different things and they all pretty much have the same priority level - because realistically work stuff can wait until the MORNING.....and how messed up is THAT rationalization :)

i think i also like the night because its quiet....i dont have to watch sports of any kind if i dont want - i can read or watch a sappy movie....or i can work - all without any comment or interruption....and that is probably the biggest reason i get more done - it probably has very little to do with motivation or genetics or even habit....its probably realistically better for me at night because i have no distraction.....i cant believe it took me writing about it to have that little piece of wisdom smack me in the head ..... but there you go.  my work here is done :)

Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep.
~Catherine O'Hara

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