Sunday, January 15, 2012

science fair sucks

now this is something i will never understand.....why do the kids in advanced classes HAVE to do the science fair, when its a complete drag on their time.  i understand if they WANT to, but you can make the argument that they have ENOUGH homework already......and no matter how old they are, this is not something really anyone can accomplish completely on their own.  so for the last 3 weekends, my entire family has had some kind of involvement in making sure these science fair projects are done.....its RIDICULOUS!!  and dont get me started on the parents that do the backboards for their kids so that they can go to COUNTY science fair......that these things influence the grades of my high schoolers sends me over the edge!  i have a kid taking 4 AP classes and 3 honors classes, and he still has to do a science fair project....and his first 3 ideas were rejected because they didnt take enough TIME!!!  why not make the kids who are struggling in science do some extra work????  essentially you are penalizing the kids who work hard....i know thats a gross generalization, but even my kid who plans to BECOME a scientist, finds the science fair to be a ridiculous waste of time.....the only one who likes it is josh....because he's in elementary school and its still an option!!!  cant we think of something a bit more relevant for our kids to be working on??  how about a community service project?  or a creative writing project??  or i dont know, a health challenge???  SOMETHING that may have a positive impact on them or the community??  it's another instance in my opinon where its EASIER not to make a change, even when a change is warranted!!!  how can we expect our kids to compete in a global society when our education system is running 20 years behind!!!

Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.  John W. Gardner
okay thats also an oversimplification, but it seems to me that as a society we are much more concerned with SAYING our children are educated, than in actually preparing them to be successful or productive.  the majority of kids today are expected to go to college, so they do.....they leave college with a ton of debt, and no real direction.....they just want to make enough money to pay off their loans and "be happy" would seem to me that if we really want our kids to be happy, we would try to find something that they are good at, and that they will be successful with.  instead, we are trying to make our "smart" middle schoolers pick a "specialty" so that they can be an engineer, or a biochemist, or an architect.....i mean who knows IN MIDDLE SCHOOL what you will have an aptitude or love for later in life??  its crazy.....

and who says all kids should have to take the same classes??  isnt that what all these aptitude tests are for??  if you've taken your tests every year, by the time you hit high school, it should be fairly easy to determine which kids should take "fundamentals of technology", and which kids should take "intro to engineering".....why do they all need to take the fundamentals class?  are we SO AFRAID to say to our kids, that class is just not for you ..... it's like giving everyone a trophy.....not everyone DESERVES a trophy!!  or earned a trophy.  just like not everyone should be in calculus....i have a super smart kid who is NEVER going to take calculus....even though he qualified for it and i took a rash of shit from his school counselor for not putting him in it.....he is NOT INTERESTED in it - and has no desire be a why should he take it?? just because thats the next class in the curriculum?  isnt it more productive for him to take AP government??  or stats??  or pysch??  by the same vein, all kids have to take HIGH SCHOOL!!  i mean seriously?  why do we want all of our kids to be the same??  they should have ACCESS to the same opportunities, absolutely....but i'm pretty sure that by high school you know if your child has any interest or aptitude for ART!!  and i happen to have one kid who does....and i'm sure excited for him to take art in  high school because the classes are great - but for my 2 non artistic children its a waste of time and a stressor....who wants to take an ELECTIVE that they are not good at??  i've been preaching to my kids FOR YEARS that you don't get to be good at EVERYTHING!!  some kids are smart, some are athletic, some can sing or dance, some can draw and most have an interesting combination.....but just because you cant draw or sing or throw a ball or do calculus doesnt mean there is anything wrong with means you need to find out WHAT YOU CAN DO, and move in that direction.....THAT'S what high school should be about.....
 A child miseducated is a child lost. John F. Kennedy
if you know that college isnt for you, then learn a trade!!  when did it become such a taboo thing to say, i don't want to go to college??  how many kids do you know who want to be a mechanic, or a hairdresser?  it's like you cant admit that anymore.....but a good majority of my friends who work in a trade are much better off today than my friends who went to school.....i'm not advocating either one, necessarily - but i think we need to start having open and honest conversations with our kids about their futures.....i cant tell you how many kids i know who havent made it past their first semester of college.....because they arent ready or its not what they want.....not EVERYONE is cut out for college.....and honestly if one of  my kids said to me, i dont want to go - i would do my best to make sure they had a PATH that would lead to a place where they could support themselves - and hopefully be fulfilled.  growing up in a blue collar family myself, i understand that my dad had to work HARD.....his job was physically taxing -but he supported his family, and was very successful in his work -and retired with a nice pension.....absolutely nothing wrong with that!! 

as usual i went off in several directions, but i feel so frustrated with our education system.....sports have taken over as priority for college selection.....and we are teaching our kids from such an early age that STATUS matters.....i just want my kids to be happy....and prepared for the future....because that future could be ROUGH!!   
The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were. John F. Kennedy

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