Tuesday, January 24, 2012

commander in chief

i'm not saying that i dont think president obama  is a great guy....i do.  i think he ran on the very inspiring principles of teamwork, and taking care of each other, and optimism......and i think we needed that message after all of the gloom and doom preceding him.  but i also loved george w.  i think he handled 9/11 about as well as any one man could have, and for a  time united the country.  it's not that ANY of these men are "bad".....its that they fall victim to the system.  i honestly believe that obama BELIEVES in all of the sunshine and light he preaches.....who wouldnt'?  we all want everyone on earth to be happy, and employed and have enough money and be educated and have access to healthcare......these things are not at issue - what is at issue is HOW we go about achieving those ends......and just because president obama WANTS them to happen, doesn't really mean anything at all.  its not an indictment of HIM as a person at all.  as a matter of fact i cant imagine ANYONE having the balls to run for office anymore - for any reason.  especially THAT one....if you farted in 4th grade, someone is going to bring it up.....its ridiculous - and it really doesnt matter in the long run.....because its not your beliefs or what you did in high school or how many times youve been married that matter....its CAN YOU GET THE JOB DONE??  and with all of the division in our country, its going to take a MASTER to get it done....a master WHAT i have no idea.....manipulator maybe :)  how do you get a group of people who can agree about ANYTHING, to come to terms on EVERYTHING??
all of this political RHETORIC just fuels the fire of discontent....the democrats hit a hot button and get everyone upset about healthcare or how much money the rich people make......and then the republicans get on their moral high horse and anti-abortion and no gay marriage us to death......its a NO-WIN situation for the majority of the population....its no wonder no one knows what the hell is going on.....

luke had to make a hat for his government class - he picked "commander in chief".....its ironic to me that commander in chief still elicits the old military images.....i think that in order for the president to be a real commander in chief, he needs to be able to LEAD people in PEACE and war.....i want someone who is going to be HONEST....about the problems and the solutions.....and i just dont know if that person is out there......who is strong enough to put aside PERSONAL interest for the greater good???  i havent seen anyone like that in my lifetime - at least not running for office.  we have forgotten the art of compromise.....and that doesnt always mean i give a little and you give a little - sometimes it means i give IN this time....and hope you give in next time.....you cant split everything neatly in half so that everyone is happy.....and we need leaders who can put their individual interests aside and see the big picture.

now i know i sound negative......i'm not really - ok, well not TOTALLY....i do believe that we live in an amazing country that was founded on freedom....i just wonder why so much of that freedom is regulated within an inch of its life....and why the information we seem to receive is always skewed by perspective.  silly case in point....i'm flipping thru channels and see larry the cable guy's new show "only in america".....and ironically tonight it was about the meat and dairy industry (i cant seem to escape it)....so larry is visiting the largest dairy farm in wisconsin - and showing how they artificially inseminate these cows to keep them lactating.....73,000 cows are milked 3x per day at just that ONE place.....which begs the question of WHY we have to keep cows pregnant and confined so that we can drink the milk they produce for their own offspring - which they never feed???  UGH, right?  this can't be considered ANYTHING other than abuse......all so we can have milk in our cereal and cheese on our sandwiches????  now in defense of the industry, im sure at one point these big "farms" employed a lot of people and supported the local economies - which in turn gave them clout and influenced decion makers....but now, they still wield the same clout, yet are mostly automated and are producing few jobs, and a product that is arguably contributing  to our country's healthcare dilemma.....see this is MY perspective.....on this ONE THING.....i'm sure someone else who watched it would go "cool, more ben and jerrys".....larry the cable guy certainly took no issue with any of it....and i'm guessing he's a man who likes his cheese!  now should i just go VOTE for the only guy i can find out there who thinks vegetarianism is the way to go?? what if he's an idiot?  what if he is going to trample all of my other rights?  do i still vote for him?  how important is my ONE issue??  THIS is what i think happens day after day in our political system.....we are so focused on the ONE issue in front of us on any particular day, that its impossible to see the bigger picture....

you can spout all the rhetoric you want, but at the end of the day its what you DO that matters....or don't do.....sometimes its both...... :) 

i survived day 2 of my cleanse - not happily, but satisfied...and without eating
what i learned :   i really am not STARVING everyday at 11 ... i just like to eat then......and i am NOT GOOD at following directions....especially when they involve food

i fed my kids cookies and mozzarella sticks because their dad isnt home and i didnt have to cook.....so they love me
what i learned :  i'm just as full of bs as anyone .... maybe more so, because i know it was a horrible thing to feed them and i did it anyway.....but they were happy.

so CLEARLY i am not qualified to be PRESIDENT.... or maybe i AM....who knows.....whichever, its obvious i still have some work to do before my actions meet my words....but BOY, did those COOKIES look GOOD!!

Life isn't like a box of chocolates . it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow.  larry the cable guy

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