Friday, April 20, 2012

soccer say what??

The oldest definition of sport in English (1300) is of anything humans find amusing or entertaining....HA!!

i wont even start with what i think is or is not a sport....but i found that definition amusing.....why now?  because tonight was a soccer night and it just struck me as funny....i think most people that know me would consider me competitive - i've already talked about that....and i'll cop to it, especially when its something i care about....but i find myself really for the first time in almost EVER being on the "boy do they suck" side of things....which is so INTERESTING to me....i'm perverse like that.

ok, so a group of my friends has been playing soccer together for the last 5 years or so - it started out as a lark - but it was something new and different and we had a really good we just keep playing....the thing is - we have AT MOST 2 people on our team at any given time that have ever played soccer - we are generally known as that team that doesn't know the rules....but its been long enough now that people usually humor us.....and the funny thing is we are pretty good...for amateurs - we are mostly athletes and in the "rec" league we were considered a matter of fact, our team name one year was "good enough" - which was a smart ass answer to the really good team that thought we couldn't beat them (and we did).....i digress but i'll get there eventually....

fast forward a couple of seasons and we decided that we would move to the csm league - which was a bit more competitive but still a mixed bag....we were middle of the road there for a couple of seasons....and THEN csm decided not to host it anymore and the SOCCER team took it for the last 2 seasons we have found ourselves the ONLY non-soccer playing team in the league....and we are getting our asses handed to us on the regular....which is humbling in some ways - and completely entertaining in can that be entertaining???  well, we really have absolutely NOTHING invested in soccer - other than as a reason to get together and get some exercise....while all these other teams are attempting to PRACTICE and GET BETTER....and we frustrate them to no end....we play completely undisciplined, lucky shot soccer.....its ridiculous....but add in an exceptional goalie (my sister) and some athletes, and we usually give them at least a semblance of a game.....BUT you can tell that they HATE IT.....and tonight we were playing a team that had that one bitchy girl - you know who they are - who thought this was the world series (or whatever you call it in soccer).....and she was just mean and pissy....which makes us (who have MUCH LARGER ASSES and BODIES) get physical in return....its got to be funny to watch....

anyhow, this led me to the revelation, that WE are that bitchy, condescending team in softball....that gets irritated when we have to play those division 3 teams that are just out there to have fun....we can say that we aren't.....but we are....NO ONE that is competitive LIKES to play teams that are well below their skill makes you feel like a jerk when you win, and you get frustrated with yourself when you play crappy.....i'm telling you these chics tonight were yelling at each other, and we were just happy as clams - well not THAT happy - i think i got hit in like 4 different places by missiles and may not be able to walk tomorrow - but aside from that we had after the game when we were talking about how upset they were it literally just dawned on me that THAT'S US....just in a different sport....i cant tell you how many times when someone is being an ass, someone on OUR team says, yeah well why dont you try softball and see how badly you beat us then!!  its just so silly - and we are CHOOSING to play!!

“Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good” Lucia Capocchione

i guess the point is, that people play for lots of different reasons - and not all of them have to do with winning - or even being good......sometimes its just about the camaraderie or the exercise - or about having a reason to go get a beer afterwards.....and maybe i'll remember that the next time we have a game against a team thats just trying to have fun....and try not to be such a dick.....

perspective comes in all different shapes and sizes....and its funny how many different ways you can learn your lessons....while i will NEVER be a good soccer player, i will continue to play as long as i can get my friends to keep playing....because we dont need to be good to play - we just need to WANT TO.....and its not often we get to do things strictly because we want to....and dont you know that not only did i leave soccer tonight with a great sense of accomplishment (because we never have subs and 40 minutes is a long long time without subs), but also with a veggie baked ziti, pumpkin muffins and a great plant....because THESE girls are my friends....and they do what they can to try to help me feel better....not realizing that just showing up to play is the best thing that they can do!!  so it really has no bearing whatsoever on us whether we win or lose.....but wow did we sure make that other team mad :)

whenever tragedy strikes you learn really quickly whats important....and while i wont go into all of that, i will say i realized very quickly how much i count on my friends, and how much i look forward to  playing my games....all of them.  its an outlet for me, and one that is much needed.....because i know i do whatever i can for my family.....i work hard and honor my commitments....and i deserve my time to makes me a better mom, friend, wife, person.....because i appreciate being able to embrace the part of my  life thats not so serious....after all, its just a game.....and next week will bring another one just like it :)  and i say, bring it on :)

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