Monday, April 9, 2012

let the sun shine

i love the way the sun filtered thru this picture....and it seemed to be a great way to sum up my day....i had an absolutely lovely day doing nothing really out of the ordinary....except we all spent time together and took a minute to appreciate it....

after my late night easter bunny duties (filling & hiding 48 egss and 4 baskets, in case you were wondering), we woke up to a super fun easter egg hunt...after which we all laid on the couches and watched HOP.....and after THAT i convinced ALL OF THE BOYS to go for a quick 2 mile jog around the neighborhood....just to make all that candy go down a little easier :)

my sisters came over for a CRABFEST - which is definitely a strange easter brunch....but it worked!! the boys played one bounce, we got ice cream and here we are....really a pretty normal day in the grand scheme of things....but one that felt special somehow.

THE JOURNEY IS THE REWARD - chinese proverb

i know i dont take enough time to stop and smell the roses.....i am always always always rushing from one thing to the next....for some reason a holiday makes us slow down and take a minute to look around at all the blessings we have.....and i truly am so lucky to have my family.....i know they are growing up super fast, but they aren't gone yet.....and rather than spend time worrying about when that happens, i need to just take a second to enjoy them today....

its a variation on a theme, i know....but i'm not sure if you got this from my incredibly depressing funk writing, but i LIKE a PLAN.....i like knowing what is coming next.....i'm USUALLY ok if my plan changes, but i sincerely dont function well without a plan....i like knowing that we go to florida for spring break, and rochester for thanksgiving....i count on my trips to ocean city and florida for softball.....and none of these things are set in stone.....but they are habits and patterns that i find when i dont go to florida for spring break, im not sure how to react....clearly this year, i did not react well...i pouted and stewed...both VERY ATTRACTIVE qualities!! 

but today i rallied...i actually started to rally friday,but it was in full force today....i feel like i'm back, for the most  part.....apparently spring break is MENTAL...and while i still see my glowing white legs in the picture with the boys (because usually they would be TAN right about now), i mostly see the smiling faces of my boys!!  and that my friends is getting over a big hump for me....i'm sure you all saw a million cliches today on facebook and everywhere else....and i hate to be repetitive, but this is really the one that stuck with me today.....on easter.....

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  - psalm 118:24

i know i'm GLAD.....even going thru all the crazy stuff we have all have going on, there is always time to find something to be glad about....and usually a lot more than one thing....but even when it is only ONE thing, it always makes you feel better to think about it.....misery is self perpetuating.... i know because i was letting myself slide into it....and for no good reason....i just lost sight for  a second of the sunshine...and its abundance.....

the next time you hear me bitching and complaining about all the normal stuff i like to bitch and complain about, please feel free to smack me!  and remind me that my life is great - challenges and all.....and i'm lucky to have all that i have on THIS day....and EVERY DAY!

and on a programming note, dont forget to come out on sunday for our first ever WARRIORS LACROSSE 5k - 8am, white plains rail there or be square!!

that's me....being BUSY and being the SUNSHINE :)

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