Wednesday, April 4, 2012


True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.  ~William Penn

i find myself in the very unusual predicament of really not having a lot to say at the moment.....which is very strange for me...since starting the blog i would say that 90% of the time the ideas just pop in my head at some point during the day....and the few days i've skipped have been event related....or i stayed out too late...last night for the first time i honestly just didn't have anything to write about......which somewhat ironically is leading me here tonight :)

i dont know how many of you go thru this, but i have a serious case of the winter blues - even though the winter hasnt been bad, and its actually spring.....i guess its a combination of things, not the least of which is all of the "heavy" stuff that we have going on.....but usually i bounce back pretty quickly.....right now, not so much.....i can honestly FEEL myself being quiet.....which might actually be a relief to some of you :) - but is very weird for my kids i can tell you.

do you ever get to the point where you are tired of hearing  yourself say the same things? pick up your clothes, take out the trash, put away your just gets OLD.....followed very closely by what do you want for dinner?  i made a conscious decision this week to just not say any of that....i'm fixing whatever is easy for dinner, and i'm leaving shit wherever it is....or i'm picking it up myself.....maybe thats the wrong answer, but this is a week i just dont want to fight the fight......i feel like i spend so much time PUSHING forward....trying to make things happen and get stuff done....but right now i just need a break......and usually we spend spring break away.....most often florida (which i really really miss), but sometimes rochester....and this year for lots of reasons we are just staying home......its the first spring break EVER that we have not gone somewhere.....and i guess i'm just now realizing that we usually go somewhere because I NEED must be called spring BREAK for a since i can't get away physically, apparently i'm just taking a break mentally.

so there you have it....i'm hoping these last two days were the worst of it - and i'm sorry to be taking the pity party route when really i have nothing to complain about....(here's to you denise, with pnemonia, who still finds the time to write something really really nice to me).....rather than call this a brood, i'm just gonna go with a "rest" of the mind....and see how far that gets me :)

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