Wednesday, April 18, 2012

accepting help

yes, those are lawn bags....and i took a picture because this is the one and only time you will EVER see them in my yard....and THAT is because a wonderful friend and neighbor decided to cut (and bag) our grass today - because apparently they are calling for rain tomorrow :) - and by her own admission she can't cook.....and just wanted to do something to help

people constantly amaze me with their capacity for generosity.  as we saw when frank and lori lost their house.....people WANT to help.....and often it is harder to accept help than to give it.  my first emotion upon driving into my driveway and seeing ann pushing a lawnmower thru my yard was GUILT!!  there's no reason i cant cut my own grass.....but i appreciate so much that she did it...because i hate to cut the grass and honestly would have let it go another week (at least).  so its not so much that i CAN'T do it....its just that its such a relief to NOT HAVE TO....but there seems to be a fine line in that "help" category....i just honestly didnt expect to be on the receiving end of it...

which brings me to the larger reflection.....i wish there was a place on the news for GOOD stories....i think part of the reason that things seem to bad is because that's really all we see....unless you watch shows like extreme home makeover, you never really get a good look at how altruistic a society we really are....but we are!  even in times where the economy is not great - our friends, family and community RALLY around each other constantly!!  we support school events, and charity functions.....we raise money for sports teams, and support mission trips.....we jump on board our friends causes and we help in any way we can....why is THAT not news??

“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.” ― Brian Tracy

not only do we help each other in physical ways...we make dinners and mow lawns, and shuttle kids back and forth...but we also support each other emotionally.  i cant tell you how many calls, texts, emails, and cards we have received - just people reaching out to share the burden....and its an amazing gift.... i often find myself in the role of the "strong one" know - the one that never needs help - the one that does the helping and its very humbling to be on the other side of that .... it makes you realize that noone likes needing help....and no one ever wants to be in a position where they have to accept it....but sometimes you dont get to make that choice.

so i will forever be grateful to my friends - and you all know who you are.....that realized that i needed a hug or sent me a note (in all the various forms)....its times like these that you realize why your best friends are your best friends.....because they are the ones that know you best and accept your weaknesses, as much as your strengths....i am truly lucky to have them all and i have been touched by every amazing gesture this week.....

its funny to me how it all comes full circle.....every tragedy reminds you of what you should be thankful for.....its just so sad that it takes something bad to shine a light on what is good.  and it takes realizing what you CAN'T do, to see that asking for or accepting help is not a bad thing.  its seems to me that i am in much the same place now as i was when i started the blog....same questions and challenges, just with a bit more focus.  and i guess in a better place for that i sent an email to one of my best friends from high school - asking for some perspective....and as always, she provided a great viewpoint from a completely different angle than my own....i love that about her - and i appreciate her outlook.  she sent me this quote:

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   Matthew 11:28-30

and really, that is it  EXACTLY....of course this is a bible quote and it means in its strictest sense that i should let go and let God...which we all know i 'm not good at....but if you take the quote at face value - it also means accept the help thats offered - because those that are offering CAN handle what you can not.....

for the first time in a long time today i not only reached out for help, i was grateful for it!  i also snapped up a couple of offers for future help.....because you know what - i AM at my limit....and that's has to be....yes, i want to get everything done myself, but i also want to at least attempt to enjoy my ride.....and part of that is going to have to be letting go of the reins a bit......

so one more time, thanks for all your words of encouragement and wisdom....thanks for reaching out and offering to lend a hand....and thanks for being a part of my life and bringing the sunshine :)

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.  It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.  We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.  ~Albert Schweitzer


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