Wednesday, March 28, 2012

spewing venom

this is me a now i'm sure you have all realized that i am either incredibly moody or slightly bipolar....i'm not sure which myself - all i know is that the older i get the less patience i have for ridiculous bullshit....

i was out of town for work yesterday and most of today (which of course contributes to the lovely mood)....and i rushed home to make it to my  kids first home lax game....and the first thing that happens, after the water bleeds thru my chair and gets my ass all wet (which is super attractive) is that some woman starts yelling for her kid, and only her kid, every 6 seconds.....ironically his name was jake....and he was very good - but i absolutely can not stand parents who only cheer for their own kid...if you ONLY want to yell your kids name, please put him or her in a NON team sport....or wrestling....or swimming - something where it doesnt make you sound like a complete jackass to only be cheering for your of course i have to move....because, much like lou ferrigno, i can  FEEL myself getting ready to lose what little control i have.

the game goes on, her kid (who IS really good) takes a hard shot from one of our kids....which isnt exactly awesome, but IS a part of the game....i know this because i have had to watch MY kid (who is also really good) take those same hits.....defenders get frustrated....well, this woman literally screams for our kid to be ejected....loses her  mind...and WAITS FOR HIM AFTER THE GAME like she was going to actually retaliate....and i have mixed feelings...mean deni would love to see this teenage boy beat her ass....but nice deni just wants to say - if your kid cant take the hit, maybe he shouldnt play....neither of those is actually nice, but seriously?  you are playing a competitive contact sport.....and this parent is contributing to this kids sense of entitlement by singling him out constantly...guess what - if you notice that he is really good, then the kids are going to notice too....and do their best to shut him down....just like if i had the chance id shut that woman up id take it....and probably not in such a nice way either.....but supposedly i'm older and wiser!!

i just wonder why we are incapable of seeing the big picture....we act  like OUR KIDS are the only ones who ever get pushed or shoved or hurt or picked on.....or conversely stand out or score a goal or excel.....everything is relative....EVERYTHING!  gain some freaking perspective!! 

after this lovely experience, we got home and had an irate parent call because her 15 year old son was accidentally left at practice.....this is after an email went out cancelling practice, AND the VOLUNTEER, 20 year old coach went to the field anyway to try to catch the parents who didnt get the email....THESE PARENTS just dropped their kid and left....he went to sit on a swingset....the 20 year old did not see him after he packed up the equipment and took it to his he left.....which is unfortunate no doubt.....however, her reaction was to call and LAMBAST this coach, and in turn call here to do the which my very nice husband smoothed things over and apologized.....and to which i say STEP THE FUCK UP!!  dont accuse a 20 year old who is volunteering his time and who has no ties to any of these kids of PURPOSELY LEAVING  A KID BEHIND BECAUSE HE HAD BETTER THINGS TO DO....really?? id say his "better things" include taking the time to coach YOUR KID when you clearly cant be bothered to even sit at practice!!  is that harsh?? absolutely .... do i sit at my kids practices anymore? nope....have my kids been left at a practice before? YUP...and who's fault was that?  MINE!!!  i am so freakin tired of everything being someone elses fault....there is no such thing as personal responsibility any more....and that starts with us as parents!!  i'm just so tired of it all!

this is when i reach the point where i want to pick up my toys and leave....the sheer amount of time and energy it takes to deal with PEOPLE sometimes just wears me out!!  and when i get to this point, you really need to stear clear.....if that chic that called and yelled at my husband had been within arms length tonight, someone would be pressing charges....and i so do NOT have a physical temper....i have a yappy temper (obviously)....but i am seriously at the outer edge of what i can deal with in terms of ungrateful people and their bullshit.....

so next year, when i am NOT running this league (and neither is my husband), it will be interesting to see if anyone steps up....because i'd say there arent alot of other people out there that want to deal with the parents of 250 kids - most of whom cant even be bothered to watch a practice....we will see how it goes when EVERYONE just starts looking out for THEIR OWN kids.....this is what kills try to do something helpful and worthwhile and after awhile people just suck the life out of you....

so i would say the next time any of you drop off a kid somewhere where someone ELSE is volunteering their time, maybe rather than BITCH about the way they are doing things, you maybe just go up and say thanks for taking the time!

this is my favorite quote from a few good sums up EXACTLY how i feel about this stuff.....
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way".....obviously we are not talking about the same thing here, but the sentiment remains the same....if you dont like the way things are going - in sports or in life, then stand up and do something about it....YOU be the change...dont bitch at me until I change if for you.....cuz believe me sister, that aint happenin!!

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