Tuesday, November 6, 2012

$1billion dollars

"The right to vote is the foundation of any democracy. Yet most Americans do not realize that we do not have a constitutionally protected right to vote. While there are amendments to the U.S. Constitution that prohibit discrimination based on race (15th), sex (19th) and age (26th), no affirmative right to vote exists"

i promise that this will not be political, so much as observant.  just a few things i have found super interesting this election cycle, both as a student of politics and as a marketing "professional".  we as a people have gotten so far away from what it means to be ABLE to vote that we can no longer see the forest for the trees.  we have become so INDOCTRINATED to being told what to do and what to think by the media, that we have forgotten how to think for ourselves and do our own research.  this election more than any other i can remember will come down to who has the best "spin" and who did the best job of spreading their version of the truth.  all elections are like this to some degree.  its the nature of the beast.  but this go around, somewhere in the neighborhood of $1-2 BILLION DOLLARS has been spent trying to convince the public of things that in many cases just clearly are not true.  and we BELIEVE it...or a lot of it.  which validates the process and the ridiculous amount of money spent.

can anyone think of anything better we might have spent  A BILLION dollars on?  do you think the people in breezy point or the jersey shore would like FEMA to have some of that right about now?  our priorities as a nation are so incredibly fucked up.  and no ONE person will be able to fix it.  we should stop expecting that our PRESIDENT will have all the answers.  these are just men.  hopefully bright, honest men.  but just men nonetheless.  with all of the imperfections and flaws of everyone else. they try to shed the best light that they can on their actions, and convince people that theirs is the best plan of action.  agree or disagree.  that's all you can do.  but for gods sake PAY ATTENTION.  be open minded.  no one on this earth is going to agree with everything you do.  there is no chance that a candidate will come along that will embody EVERY one of our hopes and goals for the future.  its a matter of personal priority. 

"A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
Theodore Roosevelt
i'm wondering if its possible for ANY of us to look at the bigger picture?  economic cliffs, personal liberties, environmental concerns.....they are ALL equally concerning.  but unfortunately need to be prioritized.  way easier said than done.  no one wants anyone else's rights infringed upon.  no one wants to fall off the economic cliff.  no one wants to live in a barren wasteland.  but some of these things are more important than others, completely depending on your point of view.  if you are a gay man or woman and can not get legally married, then you are most concerned with individual liberty.  if you are approaching retirement and have all of your money tied up in the market, you are most worried about the economy.  if you just got your home devastated by a crazy storm, you are probably now in the environment category.  and there are so many other different "categories" to choose from.....and none are more or less significant than the other.
so what is the answer?  just go vote.  do your part.  make your voice heard.  even if you believe the election is unfair, or discriminates against minorities, or just doesnt matter to you....you MUST exercise your ABILITY to vote.  because it is NOT your right!  it is NOT guaranteed under the constitution.  its a FREEDOM that we, the land of the unsatisfied, unhappy and selfish TAKE FOR GRANTED.  you dont like the leaders?  run for office.  you dont like the system?  try to fix it.  you think america sucks?  pick up your shit and go.  because guess what?  you GET to live here.  you GET to watch the million different cable channels and their $1Billion ads.  you GET to go on twitter and facebook and bitch and whine and complain.  you GET to bash the men and women who step up to the plate and at least TRY to do something about it.

"Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half."

maybe i'm crazy.  but i think you should have to take a test to vote.  so sue me.  and hope i never get elected to a seat anywhere.  and i'm sure i'm not the only one that thinks that way.  so some day, some where along the line, you may REALLY find your way to the voting booth difficult.  today, at this point, the only thing you need to vote in this country is a pulse and an id.  and sometimes not even an id.  so you better do it while you can. and if you dont, you have no one to blame but yourself.  it may not be the best system in the world, but its the one we've got. and right now the only way you have to weigh in.  and i dont honestly care WHERE you stand on whatever issue is making you vote, i only care that participate in the process.  while you still can.  because eventually someone is going to start spending that 1-2 billion dollars figuring out why you shouldnt and how you can't!


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