Wednesday, May 23, 2012

dont know how

i spend a lot of time thinking (and sometimes saying) "i dont know how she/he.....gets all that done, does their job, looks like that, etc etc etc" - sometimes its a positive and sometimes its a just always seems to be one of those questions that hangs out "there".....and i realized at some point yesterday, i'm never going to know HOW someone else accomplishes anything...just that they do. we all have our own unique systems of coping, of getting things done, of being successful - and they must ALL work - because we all get it done.

everything in this life is relative to the way in which you are looking at it. one persons busy is another persons normal.....and one persons organized is someone elses disarray....thats what makes us each unique. we just did "personality" training for work - where you take that DISC profile test....i wont bore you with details, but the short and quick is D is dominance, I is influence, S is steadiness, and C is compliance for the brief descriptions.....apparently we all fall somewhere within these 4 basic personality traits....and everyone is a mixture to some degree.....but no matter WHAT kind of person we are, we all figure out HOW to get things done.

the fact that i'm a high D means that i try to control the situation...i like to be in charge (go figure...i'm sure you are all shocked)....but that's clearly NOT the only way to get things done....there is a huge difference in style between a D and an I....but we both are gonna make you do what we want :).

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. ~Abraham Lincoln

the irony is that not everyone WANTS the stuff they have to hustle for....and i dont know why its so hard to keep perspective....some people WANT to make a billion dollars - and they are willing to do whatever THAT takes, but might not walk across the street to save a puppy. another person might save a million puppies, but live in a hovel. neither is right - they are just different. its funny to me because while i am super driven to accomplish what I believe is important - clearly i dont think everything is important....i have ZERO desire to win a race of any kind......or keep my house clean.....and while i love animals, that's not where my charitable impulses drive me - well, maybe a little -but not like my son or my sister. anyone with facebook knows what causes you i encourage you to pay attention next time you are scrolling around. rather than make judgements based on their "ecard" posts, see what links they like and think about it.....people are really rather cool and interesting if you look at them without the single minded view of whats important to YOU.

why does this matter? it doesnt really. i've just come to realize after spending time with people who have REAL challenges and who are just trying to make their best effort to get from one day to the next, that all the bullshit doesnt help. if you like your wine - then i say enjoy it. if you want to rid the world of bpa in dog food - then go for it. do what YOU do....and stop worrying about HOW or WHY everyone else does it.

they just do...and so should you.

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