Monday, September 10, 2012

puppy love

fate is a funny funny thing.....and even through all of my rants and craziness, i have a fairly deep seated belief that things happen for a reason.  or dont happen, such as it is.  along with all of those others happy happy cliches like when one door closes another one opens.  i feel like "why not" believe certainly cant hurt, right?  and its along those lines that we ended up the happy FOSTER (you can laugh any time) parents to yet another puppy.  his name is either carlos, broseph or bruno - depending on whether you ask the girls who left him here, jake or the rest of us - but he answers to all of them, so i'm not sure it really matters.  the point here is that, while i was CLEARLY NOT looking for another dog, it seems i have one.  so why not just embrace it?  and really, the funniest part is that this freakin dog ALREADY acts like hes lived here forever.  he follows cooper and lila around - fights for food, jumps on my furniture, drags shoes around and prefers to chew socks over anything he was obviously just waiting for someone to drop him off HERE :)

somehow, somewhere along the line, we became the house of "the more the merrier".....apparently it applies to kids, friends, dinner guests, lax bros, and stray animals.  and i wouldnt have it any other way....altho i think this latest addition pretty much guarantees that my mother will NEVER step foot in this house ever again.  its really all a part of my overall adapt and roll philosophy.....coupled with the firm belief that it is our responsibility to take care of whomever we can.  while i can most definitely be the bitchest chic in town, i also cant honestly think of a time when i wouldnt lend a hand to really anyone who needed it, if it was within my power to help.  and i think i'm just like all of you out there.  now i know that a lot of people arent "animal" maybe the whole pet rescue thing doesnt apply.  but here at casa bayer, we are apparently equal opportunity elves.  and in just the last couple of days, the antics of the 3 dogs have made me laugh more than i can remember recently (aside from when i related the whole slamming of my finger in the door story to my sister....who probably peed herself laughing).....and this levity has come at a time when i really need it.  its hard to stay mad when you are trying to chaperone 3 dogs, especially when one weighs 130 lbs, one weighs 40 lbs and the third weighs 5 lbs.  its like having my very own travelling circus -since all 3 follow me around and jockey for position at every turn.

i guess the most interesting thing is that bruno just fits.  its like he's always been here.  he is now a part of the bayer borg - he has been assimilated and will now become a part of the continuing chaos.  we certainly didnt (and dont) have to keep him.  but we can.  and i think thats a good enough reason to at this point.  so it means i'm going to be 5 minutes LATER than i always am, and that there will be a bit more dog hair in the house.  and that we will now have to listen to 3 different incessant barks when people walk, jog, stroll by.  but none of those reasons outweigh the fact that he just makes everyone smile.  and right now, anything that brings a smile gets to stay :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you. And he's in - Bruno Broseph Bayer is officially a resident on Silver Linden :)
