Wednesday, September 19, 2012

a case of the grumps

it is TOTALLY perverse of me that someone else being in a bad mood makes me actually make the effort to be happy.  it's like we cant have 2 grumpy people in the house at the same time.  i'm not a commiserator...i'm a fixer.  so clearly the way to get me to be happy or funny is for YOU to be sad or miserable.  how awesome for you :)

this was one of those days when i should have had a really crap day...bad traffic, bad weather, bad work stuff...BUT my girlfriend had a really really good reason to have a much worse day than me.  so i started off my really early morning looking online for funny crap to send her.  there i was, sitting in the parking lot of my first appointment at 7am this morning - waiting for a customer who was like 25 minutes late - which ordinarily would piss me off to NO END - but instead i was cracking up....all by myself.  i'm sure i looked absolutely crazy.  apparently sometimes i just need to remember that no matter how things might seem to me, when you look at things from someone else's point of view, i'm pretty darn lucky.

so there will be absolutely no seriousness in today's blog.  all stupidity.  and maybe a laugh or two.  because what is needed today is humor.  sam's having a hard anniversary.  denise is in the hospital.  and jax is turning 41.  oh, and kris is babysitting a puppy for the next 5 days that he says is not his.  i think they all need a giggle.  so i'm just going to post some of my favorites.  maybe interspersed with an attempt at wisdom.

“When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
- Franklin D Roosevelt

today is one of those take the bull by the horn days.....because sometimes its just not good enough to let life happen.  sometimes you have to wrestle with it and fight it and make it do what YOU want.  i'm tired of being tired.  and unhappy.  and feeling like all there is out there is bad news.  so for today, i'm moving past it.

the down side of these days is i am super annoying in my attempts to make everyone around me also be not not happy.  but if i'm honest, i think its my way of not only trying to help, but also giving a big fat clue about how to cheer ME up.  i have wasted a whole lot of time today looking online at stupid posters. and silly quotes.  but it was worth it every time i sent one out and i got a "bhahaha" back.  just like now, i hope.  i hope this blog today motivates you to find something you find funny - or something you think will make a friend laugh.  or cheer someone up.  and send it. 

clearly my humor goes toward the slightly mean - and if i texted you today, probably the classless.  raunchy humor cracks me up as well, but i'm not posting any of that.  curse words seems to be enough.  if i'm in a totally crappy mood, the F bomb both makes me feel better when i use it, and makes me laugh when i read it.  i kno- perverse.  but there you go.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” albert einstein
every now and then you just have to laugh. sometimes its to stop you from crying.  and sometimes its just because.  no matter why it happens, you should make an effort to share it.  i know i can always use it.  and i dont go looking for it as often as i should.  but im going to do a better job from now on.  i'm pretty sure the only reason i didnt lose it today was because i was on the look out for funny.  so for now, that's my game plan.  feel free to share yours!
"Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you."
Langston Hughes

i'm going to leave you with these - VERY out of context but i cant remember ever laughing harder than the first time i read "Sh*t my dad says" bathroom book ever :) - all by justin halpern as quoted by his dad

“I don't give a shit how it happened, the window is broken... Wait, why is there syrup everywhere? Okay, you know what? Now I give a shit how it happened, Let's hear it.”
“There seem to be a lot of gay people there...Oh please, as if that's what I meant by that. Trust me, none of them would ever want to fuck you anyway. They're gay, not blind.”

“Oh spare me, being stuck in your bedroom is not like prison. You don't have to worry about being gang-raped in your bedroom.”
“The worst thing you can be is a liar. . . . Okay, fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but then number two is liar. Nazi one, liar two.”


1 comment:

  1. Well geez...I was feeling fine about my birthday until now as I stand on the overpass reading your blog, I'm not so sure. :)

    Just had to rub it in that you're 10 days younger huh? Lol

    Love you!
